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The National Entrepreneurship and Innovation programme in partnership with Feed the Future under the USAID has developed an agribusiness curriculum for hubs in the country to adopt for its training purposes. The objective of the curriculum is to identify the players in the agribusiness value chain and develop their business potential with the outcome of increasing employability. Jokoem Innovation Hub was among the hubs that participated in the curriculum development. This curriculum has come at the right time to enrich the catalogue of executable programmes under the sleeves of Jokoem. You can log onto  for further enquiries.

Cognicert UK Professional Courses

Jokoem Consulting Group is in partnership with Cognicert UK Limited to deliver professional courses in Marketing Research, Internal Audit, Banking Operations, Business Continuity and other courses that could be found on their website, .


Jokoem Innovation Hub has started another cohort to train startups to the acceleration phase. Participants were selected from the Eastern Region. 80% of participants have business related to agribusiness. The objective of the training is to equip participants with the skills and knowledge that would position them to participate in the entrepreneurial space.


we have realised that getting funding for start-ups to take off with their business has become a challenge. The challenges could be identified in two ways. First, the start-ups do not know where and whom to contact for finance and the second challenge is how the start-ups could package themselves in order to attract funding.

How to Reduce Cost Of Poultry Production

Poultry production in Ghana is one of the key food production enterprise meant to supplement protein in our diet. It is an undisputed fact that cost of production has been on the ascendency due to high cost of inputs and other operational activities. Most poultry entrepreneurs do not have control over the cost of feeds for the poultry. The main ingredients used in feeding poultry in Ghana are maize and soybean. Humans and animals for that matter compete for these primary raw material. One key solution to the challenge of increasing feed cost is for poultry entrepreneurs to add planting of feed to their poultry production value chain. All things being equal, this step could go a long way in reducing increasing cost of poultry production in Ghana. Jokoem Consulting Group is in a position to offer technical solutions to this particular sector in our food production chain.

Human Resource Development and Management


OPENING REMARKS Fellow facilitators, training participants, ladies, and gentlemen, It is a pleasure for me to be called upon to conduct this training session opening ceremony. On behalf of the CEO of Ghana Enterprises Agency (GEA), Mrs. Kosi Yankah Ayeh, and on my own behalf, I bring you greetings. We have gathered here today to establish a collaborative entrepreneurship training between Ghana Enterprises Agency on the one hand and the International Training Centre of the International labour Organisation under the United Nations on the other. The training is under the brand name Start and Improve Your Business (SIYB) being represented and facilitated by Jokoem Consulting Group . THE HISTORY OF THE SIYB PROGRAMME The SIYB programme has emerged from a management training package called “Look After Your Firm” that was developed in the 1970s by the Swedish Employers´ Federation for local small and medium entrepreneurs. In 1977, the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) funded a project for the ILO to adapt the materials to reflect the needs and situations of en­trepreneurs in developing countries. This adapted training package was called the “Improve Your Business” (IYB) programme. In the early 1990s, an ILO technical cooperation project in Fiji embarked on the development of the “Start Your Business” (SYB) training package, which addressed potential start-ups. SYB was soon adopted by the ILO technical cooperation projects worldwide to complement the IYB train­ing package and to meet the great demand from potential small-scale entrepreneurs who wanted to start their own businesses. In the late 1990s, yet another training package called “Generate Your Business Idea” (GYB) was developed by the ILO to further complement the SYB training package and to assist potential small-scale entrepreneurs to generate feasible business ideas. Although GYB, SYB and IYB are separate training packages, they are interlinked and have a similar design. Therefore, in the late 1990s, the ILO decided to group GYB, SYB and IYB training packages within a common framework, calling it the “Start and Improve Your Business” (SIYB) programme. In the early 2000s, the ILO developed the next generation of training modules and interventions for growing small enterprises called “Expand Your Business” (EYB) and this also became a part of the SIYB programme. THE TRAINING PACKAGES The SIYB programme is structured into four separate training pack­ages; Generate Your Business Idea (GYB), Start Your Business (SYB), Im­prove Your Business (IYB), and Ex­pand Your Business (EYB) which are developed to respond to the pro­gressive stages of business growth. Generate Your Business Idea (GYB) enables people to develop a concrete business idea through training. A GYB course usually lasts for 2-3 days. Start Your Business (SYB) is for potential entrepreneurs who want to start a small business and already have a concrete business idea. It is a combination of training, field work and after-training support, and helps participants assess their readiness to start a business and to prepare a business plan and evaluate its viability. SYB courses are usually delivered in 5 days. Improve Your Business (IYB) introduces already practicing entrepreneurs to good principles of business management. Its six modules (marketing, costing, buying and stock control, record keep­ing, planning for your business, and people and productivity) can be taught individually or all combined in a full course. If the full course using all modules is delivered, its duration is approxi­mately 7 days. Expand Your Business (EYB) gives growth-oriented small and medium enterprises (SMEs) the practical tools for business growth, assisting them through training and non-training interven­tions with a focus on business strategy to expand their business. The main output from the EYB training is a business growth plan, which includes chapters on marketing, operations, human re­sources, financial and strategic management. Chapters can also be used as stand-alone training and support products. If the full content of EYB is delivered, its duration is 1-2 weeks; like for the shorter courses above, the course delivery can be spread over a longer time span (e.g., 1-2 days per week over several months) if this is preferred. OBJECTIVES OF THE SIYB PROGRAMME Within the framework set by the overall ILO-SIYB developmental objective of contributing to eco­nomic growth and the creation of more and better-quality jobs, the immediate objectives of the SIYB programme focus on two levels: The first objective is to enable local, public, and private sector organizations involved in business development to implement SIYB training and related activities effectively and independently for potential and existing entrepreneurs. The second objective is to enable potential and existing small entrepreneurs through these SIYB partner organizations to start viable businesses and increase profitability of existing enterprises, hence generating quality employment for others in the process. TARGET GROUPS Linked to the two objectives described above, the SIYB programme aims to achieve its goals by focusing on two major target groups: · Training service providers (organizations or individuals that provide services to the SME Sector). · Training beneficiaries (potential and existing entrepreneurs in the MSME sector). Training beneficiaries Through the local SIYB TSPs, the ILO intends to reach its ultimate target group of potential and existing entrepreneurs and managers in the MSME sector. To attain optimal training impact in SIYB, the programme has set a few criteria within the wide spectrum of potential and existing entrepreneurs. You can read more about these criteria in chap­ter on Selection of Entrepreneurs. In the case of GYB, the aim is to reach those who are interested in starting a business, but do not have a concrete business idea. For those who are not yet in business but have a clear idea on what kind of business to start, have the basic technical skills to put their business idea into practice and are motivated to start a business, there is SYB. In the case of IYB, the aim is to reach people who own or manage a (formally) established enter­prise, in any sector of the economy and who have been in that business for at least one year. For those enterprises who want to expand their business operations, there is the EYB training. OUTCOME It is my expectation that training participants would take advantage of this training package and make an impact in their immediate business communities. It is also expected that participants would be ambassadors in spearheading good and ethical business practices. At the end of the training, your businesses should be seen as efficient, profitable, and sustainable. Participants should take advantage of the presence of GEA represented in all the Districts and Municipalities to get the necessary assistance to improve upon their business operations. CONCLUDING REMARKS I believe you would devote yourself totally to the training observing all the regulations and paying full attention to your facilitators. I hope you would enjoy the training and graduate successfully to contribute to the sustenance of this collaboration. Thank you


With a population of over 35,000,000, Ghana continues to import substantial number of poultry products. These imported products compete unfavourably with our indigenous poultry products. The main challenge remains to be the expensive raw materials to use to run the industry. The industry once employed a number of its citizens thereby reducing unemployment and contributing to GDP. Emerging industries like Brempomaa Poultry Farm, A Qs Poultry Industry, Mina Farms, if given the necessary support could grow and develop its products to meet the demands of the country.

Skill Training for YEA Beneficiaries

Liquid soap manufacturing The National Entrepreneurship and Innovation Programme has organised a month skill training for beneficiaries of YEA in the Eastern Region. The training was climaxed with an Entrepreneurship and Financial Literacy Training. The objective is to impart skill training to the youth to enable them to set up their own enterprises and thereby reduce the level of unemployment Yoghurt manufacturing


On the 14th of February we had a discussion on understanding the markets. We discussed factors that affected production and factors that influenced the behaviour of consumer demand. We were informed that price as a factor did not cause a shift in the demand curve or supply curve. However, other factors other than price caused shifts in the demand and supply curves. Price was a major factor that influenced the allocation of resources. Please find attached presentation slides of the seminar.

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