JOKOEM is a Ghanaian Business Development Consultancy Group incorporated in Ghana that delivers a range of integrated human capital solutions that focuses on private and public sector growth. Our core focus is partnership-driven capacity and skills development to assist Ghanaian Enterprises and Governments achieve their human capital needs through business advisory, coaching and mentorship, and consultancy.
We offer a comprehensive integrated Human capital advisory solutions designed to fulfill the unique needs of businesses. Since 2012, our legacy is built on passion for people combined with our ongoing ambition to help develop and grow businesses with all available supporting tools for Ghanaian enterprises.
The company was established to implement consultancy services project in collaboration with Ghana Enterprises Agency (GEA), National Entrepreneurship and Innovation Programme (NEIP), JICA, Innohub Growth Centre, British Council, World Bank and to some extent GIZ. JOKOEM has worked with over hundreds of businesses in some Regions of the country. The firm has positioned itself to partner with likeminded institutions.
To assist Ghanaian enterprises in becoming globally competitive, profitable and sustainable.
We exist to build management capacity within Ghanaian enterprises by providing management and Human capital solutions.
JOKOEM is proud to have some of the industry’s best consultants on our team. The experience, capability and passion of our staff is the foundation for our success in serving our clients. That’s why we invest heavily in recruitment, skills development and forming a work environment that fosters their growth.

Lead Consultant and Head of SME Training
Joseph Kwame Adjei is a professional Banker and a management consultant having worked with the Agricultural Development Bank and other Finance institutions for a period of nineteen years. He rose through the ranks starting as a Credit officer to a Branch Manager. He is a member of the Ghana Chartered Institute of Bankers. He holds several academic and professional qualifications including Agriculture from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology. He is a research scientist and has contributed to National research with a team of scientist from the Crops Research Institute of CSIR as a Crop Improvement Scientist. He has contributed to several research publications and acquired certified trainings in the fields of Audit, Science and Financial Management. He also teamed up with a number of consulting firms such as Bekad Consult and Jokoem Consulting Group who were active players in managing and playing advisory roles in private and public Enterprises. He has collaborated with international agencies like CIDA, GIZ, FAO, World Bank, and IFAD. He is experienced in project management, finance, marketing, human resource management and development and credit administration.

Legal and Evaluation
Passionate about business legal compliance and strategic formulation of business entities. Create an enabling legal framework that would enhance the stability and growth of businesses.

Human Resource Consultant
Human Resource Management and Development Consultant. Passionate about developing the human resource capital that spice up the overall resources required to promote and grow a business entity. Experienced in human resource recruitment and performance appraisal.